Contact Information

Address: 207 South Court Street.
Circleville, Ohio 43113
Phone: 740-474-3117 (Juvenile)
Phone: 740-474-3950 (Probate)
Fax: 740-474-8451 (Juvenile)
Fax: 740-474-3852 (Probate)

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Public Notices

Unneeded Medication Drop Off Locations

By |April 30th, 2018|Categories: Public Notices|Comments Off on Unneeded Medication Drop Off Locations

Information about Ohio’s new Adoption Law

The Adoptions Records Release law that is modified to take effect on March 20, 2015 allows a person to request the release of certain records and information for the Ohio Department of heath and not the Probate Court.

 If you are seeking the release of such information, please go to the website of the Ohio Department of Health for further information and their forms.  Their website is

 You should then link on the tab that says: “Information about Ohio’s New Adoption Law.”

By |March 19th, 2015|Categories: Public Notices|Comments Off on Information about Ohio’s new Adoption Law