Ohio law allows a Probate Court to appoint a person to be an Emergency Guardian over another under very limited circumstances. According to section 2111.02 of the Revised Code, an Emergency Guardian may be appointed if a guardianship is not already in place, an emergency exists and it is reasonably certain that immediate action is required to prevent significant injury to a person or their estate.
Forms can be found on the website of the Supreme Court of Ohio (http://www.supremecourt.ohio.gov/LegalResources/Rules/superintendence/probate_forms/Default.asp)
Forms must be completed and filed with the court if an Emergency Guardianship is pursued. There must be an accompanying statement of expert evaluation, along with a Supplement statement completed and signed by a licensed physician.
The court may approve the appointment of an Emergency Guardian without a hearing for a period of three days. If the appointment must extend beyond the three days, a hearing must be held allowing for an additional thirty day extension, if necessary.
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